Association of Theological Schools

1791 Delegates advises that the Curriculum Licensing & Services Agreement between Abolition Academy and its partner theological schools will follow the guidelines set forth by the Association of Theological Schools. Specifically: 

Distance Education. 1791 Delegates will follow accreditation guidelines for Distance Education, as defined by the Association of Theological Schools as “a mode of education in which a course is offered without students and instructors being in the same location. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous and employs the use of technology. Distance education courses may consist of exclusively online or other technologically assisted instruction or a blend of intensive classroom and online instruction. In all cases, distance education courses shall ensure regular and substantive interaction of faculty with students.” 

Community of Learning. ATS Standard ES.4.2.3 emphasizes that “distance education programs shall seek to 1791 Delegates personal and spiritual formation, be sensitive to individual learning styles, and recognize diversity within the community of learners. Courses shall require regular and substantive interaction between teachers and learners and among learners to ensure a community of learning.” 

Training and Technical Support. 1791 Delegates’ will offer students “training and one-on-one technical support” to prepare them for the distance education program, as required by the ATS accreditation standard ES.4.2.10. 

ATS Standard Es.4.2.11 requires that the technical support services “include both (1) staff with a sufficiently high level of technical skills to ensure student facility in handling software and the technological aspects of course offerings and (2) the systemic evaluation and upgrading of technological resources and services consistent with the learning goals of theological scholarship.” 

ATS Standard ES4.2.12 requires that “the program shall also ensure that the educational objectives are not hindered by time delays in support services or the lack of capable personnel to ensure the several bridging functions between technology and theological education, between theological curriculum and delivery systems, between teachers and learners, and between the distance education program and the goals of the overall curriculum for the courses and degree program being offered.” 

ATS Standard ES.4.2.16 requires that “in recruitment efforts, services, and publications, institutions shall accurately represent their distance education programs, including but not limited to a description of the technology used and the technological ability, skill, and access needed to participate in the program satisfactorily.” 

The Education Coordinators at the Partner School will provide distance education students with “advisory and administrative support,” as required in ATS standard ES.4.2.18. This includes “program and vocational counseling, financial aid, academic records, and placement. The policies and procedures governing financial assistance shall be published and administered equitably.”

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